about us
The tribe of CloudTribe
CloudTribe came to life in 2019 when a small team of developers realised that the only real Cloud Technologies were large, ‘one size fits all’ options.
After hours of working and validating an idea in their spare time, the team started to implement custom solutions for small businesses that they frequented.
In time, these solutions grew and grew as the businesses grew. To a point where the amount of need justified a new business – CloudTribe.
our advantages
Why choose us?
CloudMe is flexible, scalable, and secure. Our packages can be customized to meet your file sync and share needs. CloudMe is the leader in enterprise file sharing and collaboration. No matter how you choose to work with your team, we have the perfect solution to make your life easier.
The best way to find out whether CloudMe is right for you is to use it – for free! Our starter plan has all of the basic features needed to get started, upgrade only if you need additional storage or more traffic.